What to wear to spread the No Nukes message?

help!!! I am possibly going to the Art Along the Hudson Artists kickoff  representing Unframed Artists Gallery, what should I wear?????????????
I just found out the biggest sponsor of AAH is Entergy. ...... after we signed on they did! What should I wear?  Help me mice!
Michele Riddell 10:38am Jun 1
help!!! I am possibly going to the Art Along the Hudson Artists kickoff representing Unframed Artists Gallery, what should I wear?????????????
I just found out the biggest sponsor of AAH is Entergy. …… after we signed on they did! What should I wear? Help me mice!
Oh, nothing… nothing that’ll make a statement in support of Entergy… isn’t there a MOUSDIP tee you can wear? Peace signs came back in style “thanks” to Geo. Bush’s (and now Obama’s) “little” wars; but WISE’s Nukes? No Thanks! daisy will always be in style, so that’s my suggestion. Or nothing. Nothing in particular, I mean. Um, I didn’t mean anything… I meant nothing. Make a statement, that’s what I meant! Bare the naked truth to the world that radiation damages bodies. That’s what I think your outfit should do. P.S. I try to always wear hemp, to remind people that not only is hemp durable, natural, cost-effective and comfortable, but it is actually being used in Fukushima to help contain the radioactive waste. In fact, I think I will start a line of hemp shirts with No Nukes messages and images on them, as clearly this is something that’s desperately needed. Any help anyone wishes to give will be greatly appreciated… Thinking out loud of FB again… hmmm…..

About acehoffman

Computer programmer, author, nuclear investigator, animator, videographer... acehoffman.org Also visit my YouTube Channel! http://www.youtube.com/user/AceHoffman or my business web site: http://www.animatedsoftware.com
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